mcquillan method


relationship eASE FOR WOMEN


Confront your patterns that prevent you from feeling fulfilled in relationship

has a relationship ever left you feeling:


"I'll never do that again."


"Nobody will ever understand me."

Mistreated and Demeaned?

“I'm a competent woman. How could I have let this happen?”

Or Dissatisfied and Overwhelmed?

"Why do I have to do everything myself?"

And maybe this experience was so potent that it left you feeling fragile, broken, and resigned…or the opposite, embittered, resentful, and vengeful.

Either way, over time, all of these emotions and behaviors erode self-confidence, foster conflict, and create suffering.

Not ideal.

Worse yet, combined, these behaviors are catastrophic, leaving you feeling anxious, depressed, and in a state of dis-ease.

I know this experience intimately

From an early age, I consistently felt criticized, ridiculed, and shamed for simply existing. Never feeling enough, doing enough, being enough, and harboring the perpetual fear of disappointment, punishment, and rejection.

I recreated this familiar dynamic in my adult relationships and had come to expect feeling unsafe in them. What I didn't realize was that it was these patterns that placed me in those situations to begin with. As a result, I was suffering, which led to the demise of these relationships, which included a painful divorce.

Confused about why this was happening to me, I decided to look deeper and define my own suffering in order to save myself from the pain of conflict, loneliness, and heartbreak.

here's what I discovered

I started mapping my experience to find clues and answers as to why I was feeling this way. When I developed the clarity and understanding to solve my pattern in relationships, that’s when I realized that my mapping process had worked. I had developed a strong replicable skill set that had transformed me from cowering and hiding in relationships to having the courage and intimacy that I had always desired.

Over the last 15 years, I went from being self-conscious and scared of people, to experiencing confidence, connection, and intimacy in my relationships personally and professionally.

I also realized that it was within this confrontation that I had generated freedom, ease and fulfillment.

And I want this for you, too.

I'm Ready!

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a provocative healing approach

In McQuillan Method, we believe that change is not only possible, it’s necessary. Our aim is to support you in breaking the patterns that keep you oppressed, isolated, and unfulfilled in relationships.

This online course is uniquely designed for women to explore the building blocks to personal freedom. We’ll explore both the complexity and the reward of being in relationships, as well as the necessity of being skilled in them.

We'll support you in becoming a healthy feminine presence as you cultivate compassion, intimacy, and fulfillment in your relationships and in your life. Learn how to eradicate uncertainty, confront where you’ve settled, and help you live with more purpose and ease.

You will see immediate shifts in your relationships as you:

  • receive closure and neutrality around your past
  • ground in your personal power in your life and choices
  • gain confidence in entering, exiting and navigating conflict
  • claim true ownership and empowerment in your feelings and actions
  • practice discernment and gain clarity around your relationship navigation
  • receive permission to move forward as you see fit

mcquillan method

Solid Square

The living embodiment of your values

We believe that your path to feeling fulfilled in relationship begins by confronting your suffering. So, if you’re ready and willing to do the work necessary for change, then this online program is for you.

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HEre's the plan

In 4 weeks, you'll map your relationship pattern, learn how you protect yourself, identify the experiences that leave you feeling unsafe, and confront what you do to destroy trust and bond in relationship.

Collectively, the entire 4-week course will define how your individual suffering in relationship manifests, generate awareness of your strategies, and provoke change that supports personal freedom and fulfillment.

week 1

week 2

The Insidious Barrier to Growth

Identify your core wounding that has laid the groundwork for your habitual patterns in relationships that leave you feeling hurt, mistreated and demeaned. Understand this primary driver of your unique cycle of dis-ease.

The Cloak of Deception

Clarify the predominant strategy you designed to protect yourself, provoke attention and get people to like you. Confront this deceptive strategy that is driven by fear and shame.

week 3

week 4

The Great Conflict

See your true colors emerge as you reveal your reactionary tendencies when faced with conflict in relationships. Understand how your unique thoughts and actions impact others.

The Imminent Escape

Learn the specific ways in which you escape situations and erode relationships when you no longer feel safe. Grow your capacity to stay in conversation, establish trust and connect to others in the face of adversity.

You'll Receive:

  • An Accountability Coach, who tracks your progress, gets you unstuck, and holds you in your commitment to yourself

  • Access to group message support with your coaches and peers

  • A community of women and mentors who care deeply about your growth and personal success

  • 4 Online Modules released over 4 weeks that include lectures, yoga classes and PDFs

  • 4 Live Sessions with Kevin, hosted on Sunday mornings (recording posted within 24 hours)

  • 4 Live Coaching Calls with your assigned Lead Coach that offer personalized guidance in an intimate group setting
Solid Square



start date to be announced

Dates & Details:

Weekly Live Sessions with Kevin: Sundays at 8am PST/11am EST

Weekly Coaching Call: Day/time will be assigned on Week 1.

Calls will be recorded *and* you'll get the greatest level of support and the most success by attending the live calls.

mcquillan method

Solid Square

what students are saying

Kathy C.

"My hours of training with Kevin (...) have been an incredible journey of stretching and growing. I cannot say that I've enjoyed it all because I had to trade old ways of being and thinking for upgrades, and at times this has been painful. As I reflect back, I see my path was really about growing up - mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. (...this method) has given me the environment and tools to do just that. And, I will continue for a lifetime. I am grateful for the balanced and thorough training they provide as well as the deep bonds made with others on their personal journeys. I highly recommend their programs. I will definitely be ready for more in the future."

Christina B.

"This training was nothing short of life altering for me. As always, trainings with Kevin (...) allow me the space to dive into the deepest parts of myself - each time I dive, I retrieve a piece of myself that I’d lost, given away or forgotten. It’s through these trainings - in group, with proper facilitation, pushing my edge - that I’m able to put myself back together again. It’s the ultimate service I can do for myself and others. This training in particular opened a gate of self love and body connection that’s been closed for most of my life. As a frequent “self-abandoner”, the training’s focus on somatic modalities, intimacy, and body connection was exactly what I needed to reconnect with and recommit to myself. I'm already seeing the changes take shape in my life."

Next Steps

We’re very proud of this offering and are confident that you'll gain meaningful results by joining us.

Or, if you're not sure if the program is a fit for you, Book a FREE Discovery Call with us today.

Solid Square

Meet Our Team

Kevin McQuillan,

Curator & Lead Facilitator

Andara Christina Michael,

Accountability Coach

Addison Shock,

Lead Coach

Serena Arora,


Mackenzie VanVranken,

Media & CoMMunity Manager